Explore our comprehensive collection of medical modules designed to enhance and optimize healthcare practices. From cutting-edge technology to advanced features, our modules cater to diverse medical needs, ensuring efficiency and reliability.
Philips M1034A BIS Module Refurbished. Philips M1034A BIS Module is used to Measure the Bispectral Index. The BIS System consist of Digital Signal Converter (DSC), BIS Engine and BIS Module....
Philips M1032A VueLink Module Refurbished. The Philips M1032A VueLink Module is used to connect an external device (such as a ventilator, gas analyzer, or stand-alone parameter monitor) to the CMS...
Philips M1027A EEG Module Refurbished. The M1027A EEG Module monitors the patient’s cerebral function by measuring the electrical activity of the brain. The EEG module M1027A produces two channels of...
Philips M1016A CO2 Respiratory Gas Module Refurbished. The CO2 M1016A Module is a carbon dioxide measurement parameter unit. They use Philips M1016A with adult, pediatric, or neonatal patients. Click Here...
Philips M3015B Microstream CO2 Extension Module Refurbished. This Module comes with 2 IBP and 1 Temperature Parameters. The M3015B Module connects to Philips Intellivue MP Sereis Monitors through Philips MMS...
The M1015A Sidestream CO2 (SSCO2) Module Refurbished. M1015A is designed for use with the M1016A CO2 Module to provide a solution for measuring CO2 in long-term intubated patients weighing more...
Philips G1 M1013A Anesthesia GAS Module Refurbished. M1013A Philips IntelliVue G1 gas module measures the single agent selected manually by the clinician. The Philips M1013A Anesthetic Gas Module works together...